
Showing posts from July, 2019

Hepatic C Virus Recommended Diet & Pharma Medication

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that generates liver inflammation, seldom reaching to serious liver damage. The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is believed circulates through contaminated blood. Types Of Hepatitis There are five classes of hepatitis, particularly A, B, C, D and E. Several viruses are responsible for each type of hepatitis. The road side food habits have been an alarming impact and there led to a drastic rise in hepatitis cases especially hepatitis A and B. Hepatic B and C are widespread and can be transmitted through the use of old infected needles, unsafe sex, sharing razors with an infected person, etc. whereas Hepatitis D is a unique form of hepatitis that happens only in combination with hepatitis B infection. It is one of the severe kinds of liver disorders. Hepatitis E is a waterborne illness mainly observed in areas with poor hygiene. What (WHO) World Health Organization Suggest About Hepatitis? The news though is upsetting in nature but the trends

Examining The Role Of Gut Bacteria In Hypertension

Scientists are becoming more engrossed in understanding the role of gut bacteria and want to examine how these microscopic visitors might play a role in health and disease. The microbiome is a comparatively a new field of study, the full extent of gut bacteria’s role in health is however up for debate. Still, it is becoming clearer that the bacteria in our gut can open new roads in our perception of a wide range of conditions. Experts have examined the role of gut bacteria recently in situations as diversified as obesity, Parkinson’s disease, depression, and blood pressure. In this blog, we concentrate on their role in hypertension. We all know that High blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and it impacts a big population today. Therefore it is essential that medical experts discover the various mechanisms that underpin blood pressure management. Risk Factor Although experts have discovered certain risk factors for hypertension such as smo

Getting an Insight About Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a medical term for the swelling or inflammation of the pancreas, a gland that is located next to the small intestine and in the rear of the hull. The pancreas releases digestive enzymes into the small intestine, which plays an important role in the digestion of food consumed by a person. Besides, the pancreas is also responsible for releasing glucagon and insulin, hormones which maintains the sugar level in the body. When you are suffering from pancreatitis, count on the best gastroenterologist in Delhi who will help you in diagnosis and early cure and remediation for the dysfunctional pancreas. The Causal Factors of Pancreatitis:   The inflammation of pancreas occurs when the enzymes produced by it begins to digest itself. Apart from it, several other reasons such as sedentary lifestyle, consuming alcohol or smoking, family history, and self-medical history also plays an important role. Suffering from pancreatitis is hugely uncomfortable and it is also quit

Obesity And Management Of Fatty Liver Disease

Obesity rates are rising on a global basis and could be defined as a state when the body mass index (BMI) is higher than 30 kilograms per square meter. Looking at the pace of predicted obesity by 2030 it is expected to cross the 1 billion mark. Obesity indeed comes with a variety of negative health outcomes, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder, etc and in recent years, links between obesity and liver disease have also become clear. The liver is the most complicated organs in the human body and has a key role in metabolizing and detoxification. Many people suffer from a condition called fatty liver disease nowadays wherein there is swelling that ends up permanently injuring the liver tissue. These liver diseases include chronic viral hepatitis B and C, as well as non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD And NASH NAFLD is now the most prevalent chronic liver disease in many advanced countries and varies from simple steatosis to steatohepatitis,