Understanding Colorectal Cancer And Its Symptoms

The incidence of colorectal cancer varies strongly across the globe and is closely linked to factors of a so-called western lifestyle. The disease is found to have influential ancestral components, but still, most of the evidence of colorectal cancer are irregular and occur slowly over several years. Colon and rectal cancer are together known as Colorectal cancer and it is the fourth most common cancer in the world with 1.3 million new cases added each year and more than 6 lakh dying from the disease. Bowel cancer, when diagnosed earlier, can be easily treated before cancer has become more widespread. Those who have experienced any symptoms related to the disease, don’t be abashed and don’t neglect them. You can refer your physician and discuss your bowel problems. The symptoms of bowel cancer can due to conditions starting from bleeding or blood in the stool, unexplained change in bowel habit, unexplained weight loss, excessive tiredness for no obvious reason and a pain in th...