Understanding & Eradicating The Symptoms Of Foul Smelling Stool

The foul-smelling in the stool is due to the foods that people eat but there are certain instances wherein foul-smelling stool can symbolize an underlying medical condition. In this blog we are outlining different problems of foul-smelling stool, along with information on diagnosis, treatments, and when to see a doctor.

(A) Antibiotics and infection

When you have a fever and your doctor has suggested you antibiotics in many of the cases, the antibiotics can be the cause foul-smelling stool. Even it has been observed that the people who are taking antibiotics may encounter temporary stomach upset. These medications can upset the delicate balance of good and bad bacteria inside the gut. In most of the cases the symptoms normally disappear quickly after ending a course of antibiotics and by that time the good gut bacteria have already restored.
There are even instances where occasionally, antibiotics can destroy so many of the good intestinal bacteria which provide a place of growth for the bad ones eventually causing infection. People who encounter an overgrowth of unhealthy intestinal bacteria while taking antibiotics may see the following symptoms which include watery, foul-smelling diarrhea, which may contain pus or blood pain, tenderness, and cramping in the abdomen.


In such instances, the doctor can diagnose antibiotic-associated belly upset by carrying out a physical test and asking about a person’s story of antibiotic treatment. The victim might also be asked for a stool sample to check for bacterial toxins.


Generally, the symptoms will recede soon after a person ceases the course of antibiotics. In the meantime, there are several home treatments which may help reduce symptom severity like drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding wheat, dairy, and high-fiber foods, which can further irritate the intestines.

(B) Lactose intolerance

Lactose is a kind of sugar present in milk and other dairy products. A healthy and fit human body splits lactose down, with the help of an enzyme called lactase which digests it. Individuals who are lactose intolerant do not produce enough lactase to digest lactose. People who are lactose intolerant may encounter symptoms like loose, foul-smelling stool, bloating and gas, abdominal cramping nausea, etc after consuming milk products.


Individuals who presume that they are lactose intolerant should exclude all dairy products from their daily diet. Post-dairy-free period, a person should restart milk or milk products to see whether symptoms return.
There is a different diagnostic test which may start with a blood test to know whether or not a person can successfully digest lactose after consuming products containing it. You may also be asked to go for a hydrogen breath test which asks includes a person frequently blowing into a bag after consuming lactose. In case the accumulated air comprises of high levels of hydrogen, this indicates lactose intolerance. In critical cases the physician may ask for surgical biopsy of the intestine. This includes a specialist removing a tiny piece of the intestine for examination.


The best way to check signs of lactose intolerance is to withdraw milk and dairy products containing milk in your daily regime. Individuals can also opt to buy tablets that include the lactase enzyme and taking the tablets before eating dairy products can improve the body to digest lactose.

(C) Milk allergy

Having a milk allergy is not the same as having lactose intolerance. Individuals who have a milk allergy encounter an immune reaction to milk and dairy products. Symptoms of the milk allergy ends up in bloody, foul-smelling stool, upset stomach, vomiting, apiaries, anaphylaxis, a unique but probably life-threatening allergic reaction.


Various diagnostic tests include a skin-prick test suggested wherein the doctor taps some milk onto the individual’s arm, then pricks the area easily with a pin. Inflammation at the site indicates an allergy. Blood test can also be an alternative which can be asked as it checks for immunoglobulin E antibodies, which the body produces in response to allergens.


The only way to maintain a milk allergy is to stop consuming milk and milk related products.


In our busy lifestyle when we get induced towards allergy and when our gut gets impacted, we often get confused about our stomach status. All we observe is pain or stool which has foul smell. To overcome such induced stomach disorder, you can contact Dr Ramesh Garg the best gastroenterologist in Delhi who can help fight stomach and stool disorder symptoms.


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