Understanding Colorectal Cancer And Its Symptoms

The incidence of colorectal cancer varies strongly across the globe and is closely linked to factors of a so-called western lifestyle. The disease is found to have influential ancestral components, but still, most of the evidence of colorectal cancer are irregular and occur slowly over several years.
Colon and rectal cancer are together known as Colorectal cancer and it is the fourth most common cancer in the world with 1.3 million new cases added each year and more than 6 lakh dying from the disease. Bowel cancer, when diagnosed earlier, can be easily treated before cancer has become more widespread. Those who have experienced any symptoms related to the disease, don’t be abashed and don’t neglect them. You can refer your physician and discuss your bowel problems.
The symptoms of bowel cancer can due to conditions starting from bleeding or blood in the stool, unexplained change in bowel habit, unexplained weight loss, excessive tiredness for no obvious reason and a pain in the tummy. Below we have discussed several most significant conditions.

Unexplained Weight Loss

Unexpected weight loss is often an indication of several types of cancer, including colon cancer. When the weight loss is 10 pounds or more in six months or less you must definitely visit your doctor because colorectal cancer can lead to unexplained weight loss in a variety of ways.
The cancerous cells utilize a lot of the body’s energy supply, and the immune system also uses energy as it strives hard to combat the disease. Tumor cells can release substances into the human system that transform the way food is transformed into energy, and it can cause weight loss.
Moreover, if a tumor in the colon gets big enough, it could obstruct the colon. This blockage can affect a person’s bowel habits, which can ultimately end in unexplained weight loss.

Fatigue and Weakness

Fatigue is an indication of an underlying condition and could be described as a permanent state of vulnerability and depletion with no apparent cause. To understand fatigue, it’s important to visit your doctor to determine the cause.
Get it checked by your physician as Fatigue and weakness could also be symptoms of diabetes, anemia and heart disease along with colorectal cancer. Many people often get confused when they try understanding the word fatigue and simply being tired. It can be easy to confuse fatigue with simply being tired. Between work and personal obligations, everyone can feel run down at times but if the exhaustion does not go away with rest, it could be fatigue.
Just like unexplained weight loss, cancer cells can even cause fatigue while they use up the body’s energy. In most of the cases of colon, cancer fatigue is caused due to internal blood loss from the disease. The symptoms of colon cancer are closely connected, such as unintentional weight loss and a change in bowel habits, can increase the feeling of weakness.

Abdominal Cramps

Abdominal pain may occur at some point in our lives and like many symptoms, it can look insignificant. However, abdominal pain that originated lately and is severe can be a warning of cancer. Colon cancer happens in the large intestine, which can influence bowel habits and such changes in the bowel can guide to cramping, bloating and abdominal pain and could be an indicator of colon cancer.

Bloody stool

A caution sign for colon or rectal cancer is blood in the stool. Sometimes you may see bright red spots, and other times it may not be evident to the naked eye. The severity of symptoms depends on the progress and discovering of the disease. There are many occasion when stool also appears very dark or black, signifying the presence of dried blood. Individuals who have observed sign of blood stool should consult their doctor immediately. If you or anyone in your niche is experiencing blood in their stool should still see a doctor for a diagnosis.


If you or someone in your niche has developed symptoms of colorectal cancer don’t just hesitate and sit back. Get a checkup at Dr Ramesh Garg clinic a renowned gastroenterologist and expert at treating IBS Irritable Bowel syndrome treatment in Delhi which might further end up into colon cancer issues.
Content Source: http://www.rameshgarggastro.com/understanding-colorectal-cancer-and-its-symptoms/


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