Understanding Gall bladder Stone and It’s Treatment

The gall bladder is the storehouse point of bile, an enzyme produced by the liver for digesting the fats. Bile is pumped out of the gall bladder when required. Bile contains water, fats, salts, cholesterol, and bilirubin. When the cholesterol or bilirubin is in excess, the bile solidifies into stones.

Gall bladder Symptoms 

Bile flows to and from gall bladder through the bile duct. The gallstones block the free flow of bile causing swelling and inflammation. Severe pain over the abdomen and back side, indigestion and nausea, yellowing of skin and eyes, clay-colored stools and dark colored urine are the common symptoms.

The Inevitable Role of Bile & Gall Bladder Stone Formation

Fats in our food are digested by bile, an enzyme secreted by the liver. Bile is stored in the gall bladder and at the time of requirement, gall bladder will pump the bile out. Bile flows through bile ducts. The bile consists of water, fats, salts, cholesterol, bilirubin, etc. When cholesterol or bilirubin is in excess bile will solidify forming gallstones. The stones will form either in the gall bladder or in the bile duct and prevent free flowing of bile. This will lead to inflammation and severe pain.

Types of Stones Of Gall Bladder

Basically, gall bladder stones are of two types: 

  • Cholesterol Gallstones 
  • Pigment Gallstones

Gallstones form more in women due to pregnancy, obesity, and excess of estrogen. Other reasons are excess cholesterol, low-fiber high-fat diet, frequent constipation, old age and fasting, heredity, diabetes, etc. Keeping your body fit by doing regular exercises and drinking plenty of water can prevent the formation of gallstones. Eat healthy food containing vegetables, nuts, calcium phosphate, less carbohydrate, and no junk food. Drinking coffee also will prevent the formation of gallstone.

Gall Bladder symptoms also may accept chills, fever, and stirring. The chills, fever, and vibration may take place more often after taking fatty foods because the gallbladder is responsible for assisting you in standing fat. These symptoms may mayhap go away 2 to 13 hours after the first and your pain begins to decrease.

If you are feeling at any one of the gall bladder symptoms, you won't be capable to recognize if you have gall bladder problems. If you suffer from more umpteen than a few of these or if the bother is long, then you need to reckon at seeking discussion.

By drinking plenty of water daily and eating a healthy diet with vegetable, nuts, calcium phosphate, less carbohydrate and no junk food can prevent the formation of gallstones as well as speed up the process of curing. Doing physical exercises daily and drinking coffee will also help to prevent gallstones.

There are various home remedy methods for gall bladder stones removal naturally. It can be recommended to eat apple and citrus fruits daily and also drink their juices; one should consume daily 2 teaspoons of Quebra Pedra herb in 500 ml water for two months. Make it a habit to drink fresh juices of pear, beets, cucumber, carrot, lemon, grapes, and grapefruit daily two times; the patient should make a habit to have a fiber-rich diet with no eggs, meat, animal fats, refined carbohydrate, processed foods, spices, sugar, and alcohol.

Resource Box:

Meet Dr. Ramesh Garg, who is the best gastroenterologist in Delhi will help you in the treatment of gall stones.


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