Constipation A world-wide Common Ailment

Constipation is a pretty common ailment, influencing around one in seven people across the globe who are otherwise fine. It implies having trouble opening or emptying the bowels, and passing stools – but the way it is diagnosed fluctuates broadly. Constipation is really common. A predicted 26 percent of all women and 16 percent of men experience having intermittent constipation. Moreover, in adults above the age of 65, at least 34 percent of women and 30 percent of men have constipation.
To make circumstances worse, many physicians fail to recognize or empathize with exactly how terrifying feeling constipation is. Therefore, several people with constipation treat themselves with over-the-counter laxatives, and chronic use of laxatives can get notably dangerous.

Difference Of Opinion About Constipation

Doctors and the people are at differences across the signs of constipation, which has left some people without the advice or therapy they require. While physicians think occasional bowel movements are an essential sign, at least one-third of the public does not. When an individual feels constipated for a short duration of time it is actually being human.
Let’s weight two points. First, there’s no right or a rational number of bowel movements. Somebody may have two bowel movements a day, and other people may have three bowel movements a week. Depending on the person, both of these scenarios can be normal.

Classifying Symptoms of Constipation

The study and data reveal that there are at least six groups of symptoms which could help establish a new understanding of constipation. These conditions could be enlisted as abdominal discomfort where you have pain and bloating because of clothes tight fitting.
Another condition is rectal discomfort which leads to bleeding due to pushing too hard, pain or burning sensation in the anal area. Other sensory dysfunction is wherein you don’t have the urge to go or there is a sense of incomplete evacuation, flatulence and bloating. Fecal incontinence is another sign where there is uncontrolled leakage or rectal bleeding all could be listed.
Next, constipation is technically a warning and not a disorder in and of itself. In other terms, the treatment of constipation is an indicative treatment which doesn’t cure this condition.

Causes Of Constipation in Old Age Group

People experience constipation because of various reasons. Many of the ideas that people experience constipation are age-related because as we age, more collagen is accumulated in the colon. This elevated deposition of collagen reduces the elasticity of the bowel and limits the motility of the bowel. By rules of a resemblance, it’s more comfortable to squeeze pudding out of a plastic bag than it is to squeeze pudding out of a garden house.
Secondly, as we age, the number of nerves in the myenteric plexus drops, which may weaken gut motility. The myenteric plexus can be compared to your gut’s brain. More particularly, the myenteric plexus is a complicated framework of motor, sensory and autonomic tissues that controls gut transit. Finally, as we age the tone of the internal sphincter drops making the discharge of feces more complicated.

Constipation Treatment

Physicians and other healthcare practitioners depend heavily on prescription of laxatives as a quick predicament, particularly among people residing in the clinic or nursing homes. However, the treatment regimen should be conducted by a knowledgeable and sympathetic physician who admires the impact that constipation has on your life.


If you or anyone in your family feels they are suffering from constipation or disease of such type they should try contacting Dr Ramesh Garg the best Gastroenterologist in Delhi.


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