Cognitive Behavioral Therapy The Ultimate Way To Get Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a well-known condition that typically affects millions of people across the globe today. Though not a life-threatening disease, it can have long-term consequences that severely hit how your lifestyle. This ailment is identified by arising symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, stomach pains or cramps, gas or bloating, and harder or looser stools.

IBS and its impact on lifestyle of individual

The disease is a repulsive and often a debilitating disease. The victim who falls prey to IBS frequently experience a powerful urge to use the toilet, and this may avoid them to go to places without such facilities. Being a social animal a normal human loves to visit a location like malls, parks, places of worship, movie theaters, classrooms, offices etc. But an individual with IBS symptoms may feel risky, and might start to restrict their activities to such places.
Phobia towards diet is also encountered with People suffering from IBS. They start to fear and avoid many foods as they believe it may trigger IBS attacks, ultimately losing the joy in eating thereby reducing the opportunities to socialize.
This fuels a bad cycle of embarrassment, anxiety, vigilance, avoidance and visceral hypersensitivity, in which GI sensations get horribly amplified. For people with IBS, indigestion can feel like a terrifying event which could lead to intense pain, incontinence and embarrassment.

How cognitive behavioral therapy is a blessing in disguise for patients with IBS ?

Luckily for patients of IBS, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has remained to be an effective treatment. Before commencing the treatment it is critical for the practitioner to discuss with the patient’s and guarantee that several alternative investigations have been ruled out.
The most serious rule outs are inflammatory bowel diseases IBD disease and celiac disease which points to complete gluten intolerance. Luckily, simple blood and stool tests are usually enough to rule these conditions out. IBS is not a mental condition but instead is marked by the pain and GI dysfunction which are very real. If you add stress it makes GI Gastro intestinal problems more worse through direct physiological mechanisms. The practitioner should then train the patient in relaxation techniques like deep belly breathing.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment and it’s reasonable as it suggests problem-solving. Its purpose is to correct forms of thinking or behavior that are behind people’s difficulties. The CBT model in case of IBS victims teaches that beliefs and not situation affect our emotions. Fallacious beliefs, in this case, catastrophic expectations and predictions about GI symptoms, can be adjusted with the help of behavioral experiments.
The ultimate step in CBT is expression therapy in which the sufferer starts doing things they’ve continued evading. For instance, if they are scared of long car journeys, have them begin by sitting in the car in their driveway for thirty minutes.

What are the test for diagnosis of IBS ?

Two comparatively new blood tests may help diagnose irritable bowel syndrome. The first test is termed as Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea test (IBS-D), and the other is for irritable bowel syndrome with both diarrhea and constipation (irritable bowel syndrome mixed IBS-M). But both these test mentioned above cannot diagnose irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C).
If you or someone in your family is suffering from IBS don’t just sit back analyzing the stress and the pain accompanied with the disease rather get the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment in Delhi from Dr Ramesh Garg a renowned Gastroenterologist.


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