Positive Affirmation & healthy Food habits to check Ulcerative Colitis

Inflammatory bowel disease or ulcerative colitis is an intestinal disorder that causes ulcers in the large intestine and is noticed with pain or discomfort, severe diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, anemia. Moreover, when the disease isn’t controlled it can often lead to even colon cancer.
Suffering from any Colitis could be a psychological issue. It may have taken birth because of excessive stress, holding on to a specific thought process of a negative trait or may be caused from fears, past failures, anxiety, depression, guilt, anger, etc. If we release all this negative energy within us we can overcome Colitis attacks and move forward with our life diseased free.
You believe it or not with a positive mindset & positive affirmation, you can change a lot and get better and better every day. There has been some great healing result in many of my patients who have made it a practice now. Though I have not got the data to share it but some of my patients who along with a good diet have started practicing positive affirmation and have shown a remarkable improvement in their health conditions when compared with other patients. Here is some positive affirmation which you might try to beat colitis.
I wish to live in the present time and be as confident as I can be. I believe this will make me stronger in mind and body and make my relationships with my family and friends better as well. Start paying attention to positive things and positive thoughts and you will notice that you are able to check on your negative thoughts.

Healthy Diet Practice

Maintaining Healthy diet offers great benefits to the overall digestive system and those who have developed the good habit of consuming fiber food in their daily lifestyle can expect a healthy digestive system in the long run and prevent constipation conditions. The fibers can be consumed in the form of whole grain bread and oats, barley and rye, peas, beans and pulses, nuts and seed.

Don’t make Restaurant & Road side food your eating options

Our daily schedule and lifestyle have actually made many of us opt for food habits and drinks which are not healthy for us. We are more tempted towards food which is available on the roadside which though yummy can be problematic in the long run as they invite various infection types.
You can enlist the fast food like Burger and Pizzas which are again tempting and once your taste bud develop the habit of it, it’s hard for to escape out of it.
Many of us are even restaurant cuisines lovers, which serves alcohol, cappuccino, carbonated drinks, Meat etc all which are occasionally good but making it your daily course may end up into an intestine, liver or stomach related disease.
When you start opting such unhealthy food and make it a regular habit of yours, you may have to be ready to experience some aches which may be an indication of an underlying health conditions & could be the birth of Colitis.
The onset of colitis is still unexplained but the researchers say that the onset of the disease may be due because of person genes, immune system or may be environmental factors like diet drug and stress. But My believe is that if you are able to check your diet and stress level half the battle is won.


Dr Ramesh Garg has completed a journey of more than twenty years experience in health care industry and has shared his experience through this article on Ulcerative Colitis.


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