Revealing The close link between Ulcerative Colitis & Pregnancy

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a dreadful disease but it should not stop any women from commencing a family. There may be remarkable hurdles, but you can still have a normal pregnancy. Those who have problems should get it clarified before they start trying to get pregnant. Women especially suffering from ulcerative colitis may have anxieties regarding the course of this disease. However, the condition does not necessarily affect the chances of becoming pregnant, and women with ulcerative colitis can have a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery. What does Research studies reveal? There are various studies which have been carried on the closed links of pregnancy and ulcerative colitis which says that about 80% of women who conceive while their Ulcerative colitis is in decline will stay in reduction state for their entire pregnancy. In another study conducted it was shown that up to 45% of women with Ulcerative Colitis, who conceive while the condition is active, have shown sign...