
Showing posts from May, 2019

Revealing The close link between Ulcerative Colitis & Pregnancy

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a dreadful disease but it should not stop any women from commencing a family. There may be remarkable hurdles, but you can still have a normal pregnancy. Those who have problems should get it clarified before they start trying to get pregnant. Women especially suffering from ulcerative colitis may have anxieties regarding the course of this disease. However, the condition does not necessarily affect the chances of becoming pregnant, and women with ulcerative colitis can have a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery. What does Research studies reveal? There are various studies which have been carried on the closed links of pregnancy and ulcerative colitis which says that about 80% of women who conceive while their Ulcerative colitis is in decline will stay in reduction state for their entire pregnancy. In another study conducted it was shown that up to 45% of women with Ulcerative Colitis, who conceive while the condition is active, have shown sign

Eradicating the Gastro Viral Bug with prevention & Care

The field of gastroenterology deals with upsets in the stomach and intestines, and is also termed as ‘gastro’ in short. Stomach flu is actually a misnomer so when your friend says that he has stomach flu, you can tell him there’s no such thing! He presumably has viral gastroenteritis or in other words, it is the gastro bug which is marked by diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea or vomiting, and sometimes fever. Who gets impacted? The viral gastroenteritis develops only when you have contact with an infected person or by ingesting contaminated food or water. If you have a strong immune system you’ll hopefully recover easily without complexities. But individuals especially infants, older adults and people with compromised immune systems, viral gastroenteritis can be fatal. When we say effective treatment for viral gastroenteritis, prevention stands out as the sole key. In summation to evading food and water which may be infected, thorough and frequent hand-washings is the best

Aiming To Stop Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Progression With Mucosal Healing

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a lifelong chronic disease, which mainly consists of ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). The disease is growing worldwide health trouble, especially in many developing nations. The natural history of Crohn’s disease and UC is characterized by repeated episodes of inflammation and ulceration of the intestine, resulting in complications requiring hospitalization, surgery, and escalation of therapy. Though not clearly defined, IBD is speculated to be an outcome of immune dysregulation, impaired mucosal integrity, enteric bacterial dysbiosis, and genetic susceptibility factors. One of the modern benchmarks for treating IBD is getting the ulcers in the mucosal layer heal, and this is termed as mucosal healing. Understanding the Gastrointestinal Mucosa The gastrointestinal mucosa establishes a wall separating the body and a luminal atmosphere which not only comprises nutrients but is loaded with conceivably unfriendly microorganism

Getting familiar with Pancreatitis Cures and Symptoms

Pancreatitis is a medical term for the inflammation that has occurred in the pancreas. This happens when instead of small intestines, pancreatic enzymes digest the food that the person consumes. It may be chronic or acute in nature.  The type 2 or chronic one lasts a little longer than the former type. This is a common disease but there is however evolving matter in the search for natural pancreatitis treatment. Symptoms of Pancreatitis: Some of the common symptoms of pancreatitis include abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting which is worsened when you eat. When you visit the doctor, you will be guided by the doctor to diagnose you for pancreatitis, he or she will present you physical exams which may vary depending on the severity of such case. In case there is internal bleeding, the doctor will suggest both physical and medical exam. On getting this fatal sickness, your blood pressure may vary, which is again depending on the symptom that arises. Blood pressure ge